
Can't import images BUG!

TJZ Jayday 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 5
first of all I want to thank the app developers of Textastic: Textastic is FANTASTIC. The app is wonderful for offline coding.
But now, here's the problem:

                                I've really liked the feature that lets you import photos.
                               I've used it ever since i bought the app, decorating my projects.
                               When I open the 'Create New File' window and click on the images tab,
                               it gives me a popup that says choose image or take photo. Thats normal, right?
                               It used to work like a charm to import pictures, but now, when I click choose
                                images, it just closes, withought openig the camera roll window.

So that means I cant't import photos anymore. I don't know what happened, it worked before.
Another thing: When I rapidly click on the image button and then at choose image, it sometimes (rarely) lets me import photos, but most of the time it just crashes the whole app.
It's really frustrating, because I reinstalled the app, which deleted my files :(, but it still didn't work.
This really is a major problem, I don't know if anyone else is getting this bug when importing, but it really limits Textastic's abilities. 

So, I'm asking if I'm doing something wrong (IT WORKED BEFORE!), or if it's just a temporary bug. 

I appreciate all answers, thanks.


Yes, unfortunately this is a bug in the latest iPad version of Textastic. It will be fixed in the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I do have the same problem. The app do no crash, but is impossible now import images from the camera roll. Please fix it.
Great app by the way, I'm using it for the last 3 years, and is perfect.
Yes, unfortunately this is a bug in the latest iPad version of Textastic. It will be fixed in the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Thanks for the fast replies. It's good to know that I'm not the only one having these problems. One question though, when will the next update be released?
I plan to submit it to Apple this week.