
go to line number

Hineynu 14 years ago updated by Cecil Ward 5 months ago 4 1 duplicate
Would be good to add a Go To Line Number feature. When the user clicks Command+G (or Control+G ?) a dialog pops up with a text box to enter a line number into. Pressing the Enter key or button would then put the cursor at the beginning of the requested line. Or rather than pop up a dialog window it might be better to turn the line number in the window in the upper right corner (where the Line and Column number are) into a small text box to enter the line number to go to. Tapping on the line number in the upper right corner window would also bring up this feature.



You can now use Cmd-L (or configure a custom keyboard shortcut) to go to a line number in Textastic 9.6.

Duplicates 1
We plan to do code reviews on our iPads by using Textastic. Talking and discussing about code with more than 5 developers at the same time is a hard challenge. You can imagine. Jumping directly to a specific line within the code would help a lot to save time.

You can now use Cmd-L (or configure a custom keyboard shortcut) to go to a line number in Textastic 9.6.

Thank you Alexander for the great ONGOING support and development of your app. It would be great to have the capability of jumping to a line number using the iPad with its virtual keyboard.. without having to have an accessory keyboard attached. It is yet another thing that makes Textastic so functional that you can do all this coding with just an iPad sitting on your lap with no other encumbrances such as accessory keyboards, mouse, monitor etc. I am also looking forward to seeing the read only 'switch' readily accessible on the editing tool bar to prevent inadvertent character additions when troubleshooting using the iPad spit screen mode. Thanks for a fantastic app! Doug D.

Alexander, could we also have a feature to go to column n on the current line, and perhaps go to line n + column m?