
Autosuggest won't take no for an answer

Noel Rappin 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 2
I've had something like this happen a few times:

* I type "its"
* The autocorrect wants to change it to "it's"
* I tap the [x] in the autocorrect popup to close the popup
* It makes the change anyway
* I retype my original text
* The autocorrect comes back
* Repeat


Fixed for Textastic 2.1.
I can reproduce the problem and will fix it. Thanks for reporting this! I don't know why this wasn't noticed while testing this version.
I just found out that this only happens with the onscreen keyboard and not in all cases. With a hardware keyboard you can tap on the "x" and also use escape to decline the auto correction suggestion.

I will investigate further...
Fixed for Textastic 2.1.