
FTP does not list files in a folder when it contains one or more files with äöüß in filename.

Marcel Vigier 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 3
FTP seems to have problems with umlauts in filenames. If there is a file with Umlauts in a ftp folder, the whole folder cannot be read.
I just tried this on my server and it works.

This might be a problem with a specific type of FTP server.

Which FTP server (product name, version number, running on which OS) are you connecting to? I appreciate any information that allows me to reproduce the problem. A demo account would be excellent.
Hello Alexander,

first of all I've to mention that you've done great work! This editor is really nice. I never hoped to be such productive with my iPad. ;-)
The ftp server is WS_FTP 5.0 from Ipswitch. A little bit old fashioned this version.
I'll try to set it up on my private machine b/c I can't give you an account on our company servers. ;-)
This may take some time but you'll definitely hear from me again!

Best regards, Marcel
Thank you, that would be great!