
Keyboard error / wrong keyboard layout

CARVER damien 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 3
Hi, i have a French keyboard i think there's a bug with the ; key it produces ' but shift+; makes : correctly


You need to select the correct virtual on-screen keyboard layout corresponding to the connected hardware keyboard. (see comments)
Oups my bad, i got confused with the apple keyboard.
Sorry about that
No problem. Maybe it will be helpful to other people. :)
The keyboard layout is provided entirely by the iOS system. Did you try to use your keyboard in another app (like Notes)?

You need to select the correct virtual keyboard for your hardware keyboard. So, if your hardware keyboard is French, you have to tap on the "Globe" icon on the virtual on-screen keyboard to select the corresponding French keyboard layout.

There is also a problem with accented characters in Textastic 2.0 that might be problematic for you when you want to type French words: http://feedback.textasticapp.com/feedback/15340-wrong-behaviourcrash-when-entering-accented-characters-using-a-hardware-keyboard/
You need to select the correct virtual on-screen keyboard layout corresponding to the connected hardware keyboard. (see comments)