Find doesn't replace two or more spaces, or space then words.

ian townsend 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 5
I really love this app soI open codes from old apps where i indented with two spaces. I want to replace these with a tab but the find a replace doesn't recognise two spaces in a row. It also doesn't recognise a space then a word. This is a very tedious manual fix, please help.

I just tried it out and it does work for me. Textastic does correctly replace two spaces. I also searched for a space and a word and it also found it.

Maybe you can give me some more details how your file looks and what exactly you searched for. 
Maybe it's a tab character instead of space? You can search for tabs with "\t" and for newlines with "\n".

You can also change the tab width in settings.
I am really happy to see that you got back to me so quickly, that's really great. It shows why this is such a great app. That's too bad you don't see the problem I do. I've found that apple's app Pages won't recognise two spaces as one word at the beginning of a line also, so I think it's an apple thing but to clarify just in case.

When I search for just a single space it finds it.
When I search for two spaces at the beginning of a line it finds nothing. I've tried with entire word option on and off.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
If i have a line like this
  var num = 1;

When I search for
it finds nothing

If I search for a single space it finds each space.
This is all at the beginning of a line.

I don't think I can currently replace space,dog to space,cat - can you?

I really hope you see the same thing I do or have a solution for me, or else I'm in for a lot of repetitive formatting. Thank you again for getting back to me so quickly.
Thanks for the detailed description.

I tried to reproduce it but as you can see in the screenshot below it works for me as it should. Also, I could replace " dog" with " cat".

Ok, you've been really patient and helpful. I must be doing something wrong or have strange characters. Thanks a lot , and I love the app.