Syntax highlighting for Clojure please
Clojure is a lisp-like language.
I have a clojure.plist file for Fraise that I'd be happy to contribute.
I have a clojure.plist file for Fraise that I'd be happy to contribute.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for being so responsive!!!
Textastic 2.0 does recognize the clj extension and correctly shows that it detected it as a Clojure file, but it doesn't highlight the file.
Somehow I forgot to add the clojure.plist file to the project so it wasn't in the app.
I've just corrected this mistake and it will be available in the next update.
You may want to add Clojure to the supported languages page (http://www.textasticapp.com/manual/lessons/Which_file_types_are_supported.html) such that googling clojurians are able to find this great tool.