
Downloading hundreds of files crashes the app

Marc Beuchat 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 5
I work with development trees that contain 1000s of files. If I try to download a folder that contains more than 400 files, the app crashes. The Transfer Progress dialog shows the number of files/folders that need to be downloaded and then it freezes for a bit and finally the app closes. This happens with connections to dropbox and to a WebDAV server.


I could fix this bug for Textastic 3.1.

There were a few issues at work here. The UI is now updated when you download a lot of files and I could fix a memory issue when directories are created.
I could fix this bug for Textastic 3.1.

There were a few issues at work here. The UI is now updated when you download a lot of files and I could fix a memory issue when directories are created.
Thank you. You're doing an amazing job.
Hi Alexander,

I tested using Textastic 3.1 and syncing a tree that has about 700 folders and 8000 files. The app still crashes.

Maybe I'll just wait for you to implement some kind of syncing with remote trees (like GoodReader does - you mentioned this as one way to give a kind of "rsync" support).

Is this with Dropbox or WebDAV or with FTP downloads?

Just a few hours ago I discovered a new bug with FTP downloads. Please try to limit the number of concurrent connections to 1 in the FTP configuration screen and try to download again.

The bug happens when parsing file listings from the FTP server in concurrent threads. 

Let me know if that makes any difference for you.
I still see the problem using both Dropbox and WebDAV. The crash occurs while retrieving file information. The last status I see is "273 folders 2134 files". It stays like that for a while then the app dies. Hope that helps.
Can you please send me a crash report? See http://feedback.textasticapp.com/topic/48133-how-do-i-send-crash-reports/

Are you absolutely sure you are using version 3.1? I tested it with much larger directories on Dropbox and it didn't crash for me.