Support for symbolic links
I want to be able to make a symbolic link in textastic to my Dropbox folder.

Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago
Due to sandboxing restrictions in iOS, an app can only access its own files. So this won't work, unless I'm missing something.

Randy Lebeau 13 years ago
I am able to do it with koder, but textastic is a million times better. Can you look into it? I really need the sym link for my dev environment, but I desperately want to go back to textastic.

Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago
Can you please explain in more detail what you are trying to do?
You can access your Dropbox using a remote connection as explained in the manual: http://www.textasticapp.com/v3/manual/lessons/How_do_I_access_files_in_my_Dropbox_account.html

Randy Lebeau 13 years ago
My iPad is jailbroken and running lighttp. I have a webserver at /var/www
I want to "ln -s /var/www iPadwww" in the textastic /Documents folder. The sym link shows up in ifile but its not displayed in the app. I basically want to be able to edit sites in the app and have the files saved directly to my var/www so i can run my php and sql scripts using my iPads server. Does this help?

Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago
You could try to use a hard link instead of a symbol link (don't use the "-s" switch).
That said, I don't support jailbroken devices - I don't even have one.

Randy Lebeau 13 years ago
Yeah i tried that. You can only hardlink a file not a directory. Oh well... If I come up with a solution ill be sure to let you know!

Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago
I've just added basic support for symbolic links in Textastic 4.0. I will submit this version to Apple today.

Randy Lebeau 13 years ago
Amazing! You and your app rock! Keep up the good work
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