
Is there any way to test Textastic for Mac? Is there any trial download?

Adam S 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 0

I'm always up for a new editor.  I use Coda, which is beautiful, but I'm not terribly attached for HTML/PHP/CSS/Javascript.  


A trial version of Textastic is now available for download at http://www.textasticapp.com/mac.html


"Home key" (⇧⌘←) should snap to indentation level, then actual column zero.

Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago 0

Lots of synonyms for this request, so apologies if I'm double-posting.  When pressing home (⌘←) with or without ⇧ pressed to make a selection, the cursor should first jump to just before the first non-whitespace character, then on a second press jump to column zero.  A checkbox to configure this behaviour would be good, possibly mapping it to a content type.  (Which would then make more sense as a checkable menu item.)


How do I set Textastic as the default git editor?

Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 0
I want to use Textastic for Mac as the editor for "git commit".
You can use the following command to set Textastic as the editor for git commit:

git config --global core.editor "open -a Textastic \"$@\" -W"

The "-W" switch waits until Textastic is closed, so you need to quit the app (Cmd-Q) to finish the commit.

If you would leave out the "-W" switch, git would try to commit immediately and you'd get the following error message: "Aborting commit due to empty commit message."

You can see a documentation of the command line options when you type "man open".

(option to) autoload the document(s) that were open before last quit (like OS X Text Edit)

dyscode com 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

as the title says


Application crashed when i try edit and save "/private/etc/hosts".

Максим Рысь 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 3

Application crashed when i try edit and save "/private/etc/hosts".

After reopen, application open last tab with old file and crashed when i try close this tab.


This will be fixed in the next update. 


Crash when dragging the tab

Xiangqun Zhang 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

When I'm dragging from a window with only one tab, the app crashes.

When I'm dragging from a window with two or more tab to a new window (after dropping the first), the app doesn't crash. The app doesn't crash also when I drag all the remaining tab(s) to the new window.
However, when I drag the tab one by one back to the original window, when the new window has only one tab remaining and I drag the last one back to the original window, the app crashes.

Anyone has the same problem?

Textastic is my favorite code editor, but I can only use others instead for a little while......


Save As To iCloud

Sam Scherer 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 3

As far as I can tell, there is no way to save to iCloud or save as to iCloud.  The iCloud functionality is great for storing notes, etc but the implementation makes this difficult.  Am I missing something here?

The other issue is that clicking new from the iCloud window offers no opportunity to set file name. Is there a workaround for this?


Remove .txt file extension when saving files (in my case I call a file "file.html" but it saves it as "file.html.txt")

sonofted57 8 years ago 0

Remove .txt file extension when saving files (in my case I call a file "file.html" but it saves it as "file.html.txt"


Interactions between quote matching and completions.

Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago 0

When tab-enter completing HTML attributes, as an example, if the completion includes a trailing quote the current behaviour of pressing tab to escape works, but additionally, hitting a matching quote should also bump you outside.  Currently it just adds another double quote and makes the syntax highlighting on the rest of the file go all funky.

Tried making a video, ended up green.  Hate when that happens.  (Silly old cinema displays not supporting HDCP!)