copy and paste in textastic

fjpoblam 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

I maintain a Wordpress blog. However, I write entries using a different iPad app (WritingKit) then translate the result to HTML before placing it in the blog (Textastic, of course). It surely would save me a lot of effort were I able to copy from WritingKit and paste into Textastic. Heck, I thought I could. But I tried the other day, and you know how assumptions turn out. Dang! So I'd truly appreciate a little help. 


I have been trying to use <video> and <audio> tags but then while they play respective videos and audio as website, they won't play on Textastic local mode.

Manabu 12 years ago in iPad updated 12 years ago 2

I have been trying to use <video> and <audio> tags but then while they play respective videos and audio as website, they won't play on Textastic local mode. It could be certain combination of tags but after hours of troubleshooting, I haven't been able to figure this out. Is there known facts about media?

Under review

Files get swapped/overwritten!

Rui Carmo 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 5

I'm having a REALLY weird bug that is spoiling my morning... 

I have these two files:

- test.html

- js/waterbug.js

I've done this a dozen times now, and whenever I:

1) edit the JS file

2) navigate up the tree back to the HTML file and hit preview,

upon hitting "done" and returning to the editor the HTML file is overwritten with the contents of the JS file.

If I'm editing the JS file, when I return to it just after preview it gets overwritten with the contents of the HTML file.

It's really weird and unsettling, plus I've lost a bunch of changes already - even though the JS file is saved on my SFTP server, the HTML file wasn't...


HTML 5 and CSS 3

Kévin Pitolin 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago 3

Are you planning to implement CSS3 and HTML 5 in Textastic ?

 Thanks for this app thought, it's a must-have. But with this, it would be greater.


Encoding switch does not work

Denis Vasilkovsky 12 years ago in iPad updated by Freemen Muaddib 1 year ago 11

It seems that Textastic does not switch encoding neither from current file menu nor from wrench one.

I have some files with Windows CP-1251 encoding. Switching between different encoding options have no visual effect. Also after applying changes encoding remains utf-8.

Switching between fonts doesn't take any effect.

What i'm doing wrong?


Is there any way to hide the "line/column" indicator in the text editing window?

Mat Schulte 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

I like to be able to see all my text in the window unconstructed as I'm working on it. I would rather pull up the line/column thingy when I need it, instead of having the extra noise all the time.

Under review

Bug: File doesn't close when you delete the folder it is in.

Nic 12 years ago in iPad updated by Andrew Pearce 10 years ago 2

I I file is open and you delete the folder that it is in (local folder) the file doesn't close. It stays open. Think it should close like it does when I file is deleted.

If you then use the option in the upper right corner to upload the file it blanks out the file on the server then gives you an error. Luckily for me I had a back up. :^ )

Under review

Bug report: cursor position is wrong when using bluetooth keyboard

Kenta Kubo 11 years ago in iPad updated by anonymous 10 years ago 6
First, I switched an input method from Japanese to English(US), and moved a cursor.
After that, the first character that I typed was inserted in the position that I switched an input method in.
Later characters were inserted in correct positions.

Thank you for reading my poor English.

Hardware keyboard consistently crashes Textastic on iOS7

Aleksander Lanes 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 0
Since iOS7 the app will crash if I attempt to show the soft keyboard when a hardware keyboard is attached. I need to show the soft keyboard and "split" it before hiding it again to show the additional rows of keys.

This is happening 100% of the time on a Logitech BT keyboard.
Yes, this is a bug that is caused by a change in how iOS 7 handles external keyboards. It will be fixed in the next update.

Connecting to MAMP?

studio-1 12 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 4

 Loving Textastic – absolutely brilliant. I've coded a small website on a local MAMP server on my Mac tower (10.7). I would now like to edit these files using   Textastic on my iPad. Is this possible? I can't seem to get a server connection to the MAMP, but then I don't have a lot of experience with MAMP. I am able to preview the site on the iPad browser though so I know MAMP is working fine.