Your comments

It is not that big a problem. It is only a minor inconvenience. Thank you for spending the time to look into this and letting me know. Thanks for all your hard work on Textastic.
Here is a part of the LaTeX document that I use.


\usepackage{amsthm}            % Introduces theorems

% Header and footer for when a page split occurs within a problem environment
	\nobreak\extramarks{#1}{#1 continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak
	\nobreak\extramarks{#1 (continued)}{#1 continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak

% Header and footer for when a page split occurs between problem environments
	\nobreak\extramarks{#1 (continued)}{#1 continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}         % Removes default section numbers
\newcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Creates a counter to keep track of the number of problems

\newenvironment{homeworkProblem}[1][Problem \arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]{ 
	% Makes a new environment called homeworkProblem which takes 1 argument (custom name) but the default is "Problem #"
	\stepcounter{homeworkProblemCounter}    % Increase counter for number of problems
	\renewcommand{\homeworkProblemName}{#1} % Assign \homeworkProblemName the name of the problem

	\section{\homeworkProblemName} % Make a section in the document with the custom problem count

	\enterProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer within the environment
	\exitProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer after the environment

	% Defines the problem answer command with the content as the only argument
	% Makes the box around the problem answer and puts the content inside

	% New environment for sections within homework problems, takes 1 argument - the name of the section
	% Assign \homeworkSectionName to the name of the section from the environment argument
	\subsection{\homeworkSectionName}        % Make a subsection with the custom name of the subsection
	\enterProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName\ [\homeworkSectionName]} % Header and footer within the environment
	\enterProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer after the environment
		Sample Text Here
			More text
			other text



This is mostly from templates I have found and modified a small portion. Anyways in textastic (the desktop or mobel version) in the symbol list I only see two symbols one is \homeworkProblemName and if clicked it reffers to the line inside the \newenvironment definition for homeworkProblem that creates the new section.

\newenvironment{homeworkProblem}[1][Problem \arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]{ 
	\section{\homeworkProblemName} % This line

Similarly there is another symbol in the symbol list \homeworkSectionName which is marked as a subsection and when clicked, I am referred to the line in the \newenvironment definition for homeworkSection that creates the subsection.

	\subsection{\homeworkSectionName}        % This line