Your comments

Thanks again!
I've gotten a result which I expected.
I'm ashame I said that I understand the style of Textastic's json.

If Textastic has a function of reviewing code library, it will be a competitor close a scripting tool on PC.
I'm eager to experience it.

Thank you for your repeated and rapid support.

I'm about giving up, but this is my last question.

Please check this short program if you could.

I could make a template file, so I could make valid uuid.

For now, I copied a part of  java.json from your repo, and modified some parts for as file, and renamed "as.json".

However I couldn't use at least code completion of "for" syntax.


  "description": "Textastic Code Completion for ActionScript 3",
  "uuid": "xxxxxx",
  "category": "ActionScript 3",
  "completionSets": [
  "name": "as.keywords.control",
  "defaultAppend": "",
  "strings": [
  "string": "for",
  "append": " (${1:${2:var i = 0}; ${3:i < count}; ${4:i++}}) {\n\t$0\n}"
  "contexts": [
  "description": "Control keywords",
  "scope": " - comment - string",
  "pattern": "(?<!\\.|\\[|\\(|,)\\b([a-zA-Z]*)",
  "completionCaptureIndex": 1,
  "completionSetNames": [


Thank you for your sincere support.


I could understand the composition of the textastic's json file mostly.

And I found that syntax hilighting needs only info.plist file and Syntaxes/ActionScript 3.tmLanguage file, but I still don't understand where is the part of these files seeks their linkage "completion file".

Sorry for my repeated question.

Thanks for a comment rapidly.

I've read all of manuals, but I have not done.

Where are the linkage points the language file and the completion file.

Is it needs uuid or etc?

Then, where should I get uuid?

Sorry for my incapability.