Your comments
I'm about giving up, but this is my last question.
Please check this short program if you could.
I could make a template file, so I could make valid uuid.
For now, I copied a part of java.json from your repo, and modified some parts for as file, and renamed "as.json".
However I couldn't use at least code completion of "for" syntax.
"description": "Textastic Code Completion for ActionScript 3",
"uuid": "xxxxxx",
"category": "ActionScript 3",
"completionSets": [
"name": "as.keywords.control",
"defaultAppend": "",
"strings": [
"string": "for",
"append": " (${1:${2:var i = 0}; ${3:i < count}; ${4:i++}}) {\n\t$0\n}"
"contexts": [
"description": "Control keywords",
"scope": " - comment - string",
"pattern": "(?<!\\.|\\[|\\(|,)\\b([a-zA-Z]*)",
"completionCaptureIndex": 1,
"completionSetNames": [
Thank you for your sincere support.
I could understand the composition of the textastic's json file mostly.
And I found that syntax hilighting needs only info.plist file and Syntaxes/ActionScript 3.tmLanguage file, but I still don't understand where is the part of these files seeks their linkage "completion file".
Sorry for my repeated question.
Thanks for a comment rapidly.
I've read all of manuals, but I have not done.
Where are the linkage points the language file and the completion file.
Is it needs uuid or etc?
Then, where should I get uuid?
Sorry for my incapability.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks again!
I've gotten a result which I expected.
I'm ashame I said that I understand the style of Textastic's json.
If Textastic has a function of reviewing code library, it will be a competitor close a scripting tool on PC.
I'm eager to experience it.
Thank you for your repeated and rapid support.