error Document Picker - both Google Drive and Working Copy

Tim Burgan 9 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 2


I'm using Textastic 5.3.1 on iOS 9.1 on an iPad Air.

I haven't used textastic for a few weeks, but today I just went to open a file from my Working Copy repository and Textastic shows error: Failed to Launch 'Working Copy'. The document picker Working Copy failed to launch (0).

I thought it was a problem with Working Copy and I saw it had an update in the app store, so I just updated it but it stil has the error.

I decided to try to open a file from Google Drive but it also gave the same error. So it seems like something may be amis with Textastics functionality under iOS 9.1 ?



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I just restarted the ipad and now it's fine. Working no problems


Yes, this seems to be a bug in iOS 9 and a reboot usually fixes it. :(