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I will try to explain in on shorter word, e.g. word "že".

Writing in Apple's Notes:

  1. write "ze" without accent above "z" character.
  2. select "z" character
  3. press "ˇ" accent - accent in highlighted rectangle replacing original letter is displayed
  4. press "z" character - highlighted rectangle is replaced with letter "ž"
  5. result is word "že"
Writing in Textastic:
  1. write "ze" without accent above "z" character.

  2. select "z" character
  3. press "ˇ" accent - accent alone replacing original letter is displayed, the next letter in word is selected (highlighted) automatically
  4. press "z" character - selected letter is replaced with letter "ž"
  5. result is word "ˇž"
When just writing new next, accents work just fine. The problem occurs only in case of replacing selected text by selecting and typing over it.